Schedules and Registration

DPT Year 1 Program of Study

Year 1 | Fall I Semester I

PT 8201 Functional Anatomy
PT 8311 Foundations of Examination
PT 8312 Foundations of Interventions
PT 8351 Professional Issues in Physical Therapy Health Care Management I 
PT 8361 Clinical Conference I

Year 1 | Spring I Semester II

PT 8202 Applied Physiology
PT 8313 Therapeutic Modalities
PT 8352 Teaching in Physical Therapy Practice
PT 8203 Neuroscience in Rehabilitation I
PT 8271 Research in Practice
PT 8362 Clinical Conference II
PT 8483 Integrated Clinical Experience I
PT 8204 Movement Science I

Year 1 | Summer I Semester III

PT 8205 Movement Science II
PT 8206 Neuroscience in Rehabilitation II
PT 8207 Clinical Medicine and Pharmacology
PT 8363 Clinical Conference III
PT 8481 Interprofessional Community Practicum

For a full list of curricular offerings, please visit the DPT curriculum page.

Class Times

Classes are generally held from 8:30am – 5:00pm, Mondays through Fridays, unless otherwise noted in the course syllabus and schedule. Instructors reserve the right to make changes to the class schedule when necessary. The fall class schedule for incoming students will be shared with students closer to the start of the semester.

Fall Registration for Incoming Students

All students register for courses via the GWeb Informational System. Course registration numbers (CRNs) and instructions for registration will be forwarded to you by email over the summer. The program strongly encourages early registration as this will reduce delays in financial aid disbursement and avoid the possibility of being charged a late registration fee. If you are applying for financial aid, you must be registered for classes before a financial aid award can be disbursed.

Purchasing Textbooks and Course Materials

Over the summer, you will receive an email from the program with a list of textbooks required for the fall. As soon as you receive this information, we encourage you to purchase your textbooks before the start of the semester. Some courses may require additional items for purchase such as software or journal articles. This information will be made available on the course syllabus or BlackBoard. 

Learn About the Blackboard Classroom

Blackboard is the platform for syllabi, course-related materials, assignments, and assessments for each instructor. Before classes begin, students are encouraged to login to Blackboard and review the Blackboard Student Guides, which are located in the upper right hand corner of the course administration homepage. Here, students learn how to navigate the Blackboard environment through several instructional videos. Enrolled students may access these guides at any time.

Review the GW Code of Academic Integrity

The GW Code of Academic Integrity governs all students at the university and is a symbol of the commitment to academic honesty, mutual respect, and moral integrity that the GW community values and nurtures. As a new student at the university, your entry into the GW community is an agreement to these standards and principles.


MyGW is a portal for all GW systems, including GWMail, Blackboard, GWeb, and other university services. Visit MyGW to: