The George Washington University (GW) Physical Therapy (PT) program partners with innovative healthcare organizations in the greater DC metro area to provide specialized residency programs in the areas of neurology, orthopaedics, and pediatrics.

The residency programs are fully accredited by the American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education (ABPTRFE).
Residents will refine their teaching skills in an environment conducive to learning and mentoring. Many of GW’s teaching mentors have been trained in educational theory and instructional design through GW’s Master Teacher Leadership Development Program. As a result, residents expand their professional development related to teaching, in addition to clinical skills. Residents are also encouraged to explore educational and/or interprofessional research opportunities with other health care professionals at GW.

Neurologic Residency
The MedStar Health (MedStar)/The George Washington University (GW) Neurologic Residency program develops neurologic practitioners that perform advanced reasoning, assessment, and intervention skills for patients diagnosed with advanced neurologic disorders across the continuum of care. Residents receive specialty training and mentorship in the areas of clinical practice, teaching, and research, as well as didactic education in collaboration with other neurologic residency programs across the country.

Orthopaedic Residency
The mission of the Johns Hopkins Hospital (JHH)/ George Washington University (GW) Orthopaedic Residency is to provide educational and clinical experiences to foster the development of client-centered clinicians/educators who utilize evidence based practice, sound clinical reasoning, and inter-professional communication to deliver outstanding care. In this way, we are committed to increasing the number of highly skilled clinicians for the community and the number of quality clinician educator/mentors within the profession. Last, this residency and its collaborative partners are committed to participation in scholarly contributions to the profession of physical therapy.

Pediatric Residency
The Johns Hopkins Hospital (JHH)/ George Washington University (GW) Pediatric Physical Therapy Residency develops clinicians in the area of specialty practice of pediatrics. Practitioners develop clinical reasoning, assessment and treatment skills for patients across the pediatric continuum and a myriad of complex conditions ranging from neurological to orthopedic. The resident will receive mentorship, didactic education and clinical experience in a variety of areas including: acute care, outpatient care, school-based therapy, early intervention, and inpatient rehabilitation. In addition, the resident will be provided training and mentorship in teaching and research.